Continuous North
Continuous Quality Improvement


Engagement + Equality + Empowerment = Improvement

There is a well-known saying that improvement success is 10% about tools and 90% about people.  For this reason, all the training, coaching and facilitating we provide is person-centred.  

Creating improvement capability requires leaders who understand that no individual can know all the answers and who acknowledge that the secret to solving complex problems is investing time and compassion in the people doing the work.

What we do

Here's just a selection of the services we offer, please get in touch and we can work with you to design support that will be most helpful for you and your teams.

Facilitated learning

When a group of people get together to develop new knowledge, skills or behaviours, there is always just as much to be gained from each other as there is from the person leading the session.  

The role of the facilitator is to allow conversations to happen in a way that provides space for everyone to contribute and learn in their own preferred way.

Improvement workshops

Whether it’s a half-day workshop or a five-day process improvement event, Continuous North facilitators will work with you to understand your needs and define clear outcome objectives.  

A plan will be developed with you to take your team on an improvement journey which will always include collaboration, contribution and commitment.   We love seeing the team grow as they work towards improving value and reducing inefficiencies in their work.

Team development

Taking inspiration from Sanderson & Lepkowsky’s ‘Person-centred teams’, we help teams develop first at a values level and build psychological safety and trust as a foundation for performance and job satisfaction.

By exploring team dynamics and purpose together, we help to build connectedness within a team and externally with other teams.

Meeting effectiveness

Using Nancy Kline’s Time to Think ‘way of being’, we can help transform meetings to become more productive, more enjoyable and shorter! 

Learning to create a thinking environment within a meeting means the collective thinking power of a team can solve problems and make decisions in a way that is refreshing and uplifting.  We find people actually look forward to meetings run in this way! 


A coaching mindset is at the heart of the Continuous North approach.  We have coaches trained in many styles and models, and we will be happy to have an initial chat to find the best fit for the individual and the particular challenges or goals they wish to work on.  

All our coaches share one key principle in common; the coaching conversations are owned by the coachee.  The coach’s purpose is to facilitate further awareness, understanding and options so that the coachee can make and pursue their own choices.

Improvement training

We provide engaging training in traditional ‘Lean’ tools which often can be exactly what a team needs to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their work.  All our training involves discussion and practical application of the skills.

If you wish to go further and create a culture of continuous improvement, Continuous North can provide training in a wide range of improvement leadership skills and behaviours including psychological safety, high performing teams, communication and how to use data to inform decision-making.  


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